SA 16•03•2024


Darin Epsilon

Internationally acclaimed DJ, producer, radio host, and label owner Darin Epsilon is often referred to as a pioneer of Melodic House & Techno and Progressive House. His Perspectives radio show and podcast reaches tens of thousands of listeners every month. He launched his Perspectives Digital record label in November 2010 as an extension of the brand, further solidifying his influence and presence within the global dance community.
In 2017 he moved from his LA home to Berlin, widely known as the electronic music capital of the world, and began his DJ residency at the top Berlin club Ritter Butzke in 2022. In 2016 he was nominated for ‘Best Progressive House Artist’ in the annual Beatport Awards, and in 2011, John Digweed named him one of the winners in his ‘Structures Two’ DJ Competition sponsored by Bedrock and Ableton Live. He was also the first artist ever to release a tutorial on producing Progressive House after teaming up with
To date, Darin has released music on many of the industry's most respected labels including (in alphabetical order) 3000Grad, Beatfreak Recordings, Desert Hearts Black, Einmusika, Family Piknik Music, Hope Recordings, Katermukke, Lost On You, Parquet Recordings, Perspectives Digital, Renaissance, Ritter Butzke Records, Selador, Siona Records, Sudbeat, Timeless Moment, and Warung Recordings. His productions have entered Beatport's Top 10 charts in multiple genres numerous times and he has collaborated with and been remixed by legendary artists such as (in alphabetical order) Chris Fortier, Cid Inc, Fur Coat, Jerome Isma-Ae, Hernan Cattaneo, KIKO, Marc DePulse, Martin Roth, Matt Lange, Matthew Dekay, Miss Monique, Nick Muir, Quivver, Robert Babicz, Sasha Carassi, Sebastien Leger, Sydney Blu, VONDA7, among countless others.
As a gifted student of music from an early age, former record shop employee, and former director of a college radio station, Darin draws inspiration from his nearly encyclopedic knowledge and genuine appreciation of electronic music. He cites a variety of important influences in the past decade, from the early Leftfield and Future Sound of London albums, to the iconic Global Underground compilation series, to the sweeping sounds of Paul Oakenfold circa 1999, to Sasha & Digweed's mind-blowing Delta Heavy tour in 2002.
If you have ever been in the audience to catch one of his live sets, it becomes immediately apparent that he is proficiently skilled as a DJ as well. His frequent flyer miles are continually on the rise with regular tours around the world. He has electrified audiences across the United States, as well as headlined dozens of countries across every habitable continent.
Over the years, he has shared the spotlight with many of dance music's superstars including John Digweed, Sasha, Hernan Cattaneo B2B Nick Warren, Einmusik, NTO, Township Rebellion, Miss Monique, James Zabiela, Armin van Buuren B2B Markus Schulz, Above & Beyond, BT, and countless others. He has headlined over 7 major festivals by North America’s biggest promoter, Insomniac Events, and been invited to perform at Amsterdam Dance Event, Ultra Music Festival, Burning Man, BPM Festival, and South By Southwest (SXSW).
However, it would be foolish to say that his achievements have been purely confined to the club setting. Global brands such as MTV, American DJ, American Audio, Elation Professional, and Global Truss have all called upon him to provide the soundtrack to their videos. His music can also be found in three films, placing him in a small category of producers that have ever made it onto the big screen.
With hard work, passion, pure dedication to his art, and support from the industry's most revered names, this Chicago native turned Berlin transplant aims to prove that this is only the beginning to a long and promising career.


Rn86, whose real name is Stefan Radon, moved from the small town of Grimma to Leipzig at the age of 25. He quickly discovered his love for electronic music and decided to deal with it professionally. He completed his studies in „Audio Design“ at the „Deutsche POP“ University in Leipzig. In 2018 he founded the underground club „Brotfabrik“ in the west of Leipzig with some friends, to offer himself and other musicians a stage. True to the motto: „From friends for friends“. After some structural changes, the Brotfabrik 2.0 ist now existing since spring 2022. He already played in clubs like KitKat, Zur Klappe or Klunkerkranich. This year he released his first EP together with the artist Kalitos for the label Trndmsk.
His sets are known for progressive, melodic and driving sounds and should only do one thing: make the people dance!


nøvae stood the first time behind a small DJ booth in a bar in Lübeck. From this point her enthusiasm was sparked to play electronic music by herself. After she moved from the baltic sea to Leipzig, she founded the muy bien collective with some friends. Since 2020 she is part of the Brotfabrik Crew. She has already taken part in festivals like 3000Grad or Nation of Gondwana and left impressions on the dance floor in Clubs like KitKat, Sisyphos or Elipamanoke.
She’s known for not being easily pigeonholed when it comes to music. Her music is flowing between melodic spheres and techno with some surprises from different genres. She takes her audience on a driving journey while turning the night into day.
In 2023 she released her first EP together with the artist Kalitos for the label Trndmsk.


Ri0D. ist ein Newcomer-DJ aus Leipzig. Im Jahr 2021 begann sie mit dem Djing zunächst mit einer Freundin als „Das Dynamische Duo – 444“. Im folgenden Jahr setzte sie ihre Karriere als Solokünstlerin unter dem Synonym „RiOD“ fort. Viele Jahre lang besuchte sie selbst die Partys in den Clubs und bekam dadurch ein Gespür dafür wie ein Set aufgebaut sein sollte um das Publikum gekonnt zum Hüftschwung zu geleiten. Schließlich entwickelte sie ein Faible für Retro-Klassiker und seltene Remixe. Dadurch gelingt es ihr ihre Sets stets abwechslungsreich und zugleich aufregend zu gestalten. Währenddessen dich ihr Sound Funky, Bouncy & Energiegeladen zum Grooven bringen wird.
Sie liebt es die tanzenden Herzen über Downtempo bis Electronica Funky House, Indie Dance, Oldshool Techno & Dance zu verzaubern und mixt die Klassiker mit dem neuen Sound von Heute mit einem freshen Touch Up das Freude und Glück in dir auslösen wird. Ihre Energie und ihr Lachen werden Dich auf der Tanzfläche begeistern ganz getreu dem Motto: „Music makes the People come together, YEAH!“
Bereits nach wenigen Jahren kann sie auf eine beeindruckende Liste an Club-Referenzen zurückblicken darunter: Klunkerkranich , KitKatClub , Kater Blau -Berlin. Sie wird von Partygängern und Veranstaltern gleichermaßen geschätzt und gefeiert. So ist sie seit Anfang 2023 Resident-DJ bei der Brotfabrik. Im Oktober 2023 war sie mit der Disco Bizarre Gang aus dem KIT KAT Club in Marseille & Barcelona auf Tour und freut sich nun auf die kommenden musikalischen Nächte im Jahr 2024. Also: Begebt euch mit Ri0D. auf eine unvergessliche Klangreise.

Simon Phil.ter

simon phil.ter is a new kid of the leipzig techno school and member of the Brotfabrik family and the sweet yikes - kollektiv. his musical roots lie in stoner/ psychedelic rock as well as punk and metal. at some point he discovered similar dynamics on wild raves. thus his passion for electronic music was born, sparking the interest to create and craft sets himself. his drive is to take his listeners on a deep journey with punching beats, psychedelic- and acid-driven sounds, which are supposed to be fun and open for everyone. so he kept some beautiful floors in underground venues and clubs like elipamanoke leipzig, kit kat berlin, charles bronson halle, mjut, soku nw and many more on fire. better be prepared for his cracy drive <3

Lady Lynzki

Lady Lynzki aka. Genrenihilistin und Vocal Addict, weigert sich in schubladen gesteckt zu werden und mixt sich ganz gemäß ihrem Motto: "fxck Genre" durch die Weiten der musikalischen Landschaft. Eine laut tanzende und mitsingende Überraschungstüte: Quergenre, ohne Tempovorgaben, aber stets bedacht auf die richtige Prise Bounce, versehen mit extrafetzigen Lyrics die euch das Herz aufgehen und die Füße prickeln lassen. Na, wat wird's wohl diesmal?

Mitte März freut sich die Brotfabrik-Crew uns auf ein tolles Event im Neue Welle Club! Mit dabei der international bekannte DJ/Producer Darin Epsilon von Perspectives Digital und vom Ritter Butzke. Freut euch auf einen melodisch/progressiven Abend mit einem technoiden Closing. Dieses Mal mit voller Unterstützung aller Brotfabrik Residents. Kommt vorbei und bringt mit uns den Ofen zum Kochen! ———————————— Doors: 23:00 | 15€